Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How can you tell if a computer is male or female?

How can you tell if a computer is Male or Female (without holding it up)?

Five reasons to believe computers are female:

  1. No one but the Creator understands their internal logic.

  2. The native language they use to communicate with other computers is incomprehensible to everyone else.

  3. The message “Bad command or file name” is about as informative as, “If you don’t know why I’m mad at you, then I’m certainly not going to tell you.”

  4. Even your smallest mistakes are stored in long-term memory for later retrieval.

  5. No matter what your initial investment, you find yourself spending half of every paycheck on accessories for it.

However, another group of computer scientists (all female) think that computers should be referred to as if they were male.Their reasons follow:

  1. They have a lot of data, but are still clueless.

  2. They are supposed to help you solve problems, but half the time they ARE the problem.

  3. As soon as you commit to one you realize that, if you had waited a little longer, you could have obtained a better model.

  4. In order to get their attention, you have to turn them on.

  5. Big power surges knock them out for the rest of the night.

Jake found this at  It is a pretty funny site w/ a lot of bashing of dumb politics.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Halloween 2009

This year Jen hosted another one of her famous Halloween parties.  I love that she does this because it gives us an excuse to dress up and a place to go.  (I'm a Halloween Grinch--I do not like constantly opening my door to trick 'or treaters)  This year we played pin the tail on the cat, a Halloween trivia game, and toss the candy.  We also had loads of finger food.  I took my latest craze of mango peach salsa and Food Should Taste Good multi grain chips.  Both from Costco.  Yummy!

Jake and I dressed up as characters from the old TV series, Pretenders.  Jake's parents have all of the  seasons on DVD and they have been passed from family to family.  So although we figured that nobody else would recognize who we were we hoped that Jake's family would.  I dressed up as Miss Parker and Jake was Jared.




Chloie was so cute as a giraffe.  She decided early on that she wanted to be a giraffe for Halloween.  Luckily Jen was able to find a giraffe costume.  However before she found it, Jen kept asking her if she wanted to be a witch or a ghost (something a little easier to come up with) and Chloie kept saying yes, a giraffe witch or a giraffe ghost.  Too funny!


Here kitty, kitty!


Sunday, October 25, 2009

You Know You're in Arbon When...

  • Going to get the mail is Friday nights entertainment.

  • When your car looks like this:

  • When visiting teaching two sisters takes 3 hours.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Friday, October 23, 2009


This is Dixie our new dog!  I picked her up on the reservation.  She was just running on the road with her tongue lolling out and she had such a sweet gallop.  She just looked like she was having the time of her life.  I wanted to have this happy little soul with me.  I turned my car around and drove up a field and finally coaxed her into my car.  Then I took her home, told Jake I had a surprise for him and he should close his eyes.  Then I let Dixie in and she happily jumped up on him and licked his face.  Boy was Jake surprised!


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Antique Door Make-Overs

I found the cutest door project at  Now I am kicking myself even more for not buying all of those antique doors for only $10. (For the full story, click here).  See what I could have made with those! (And you thought I was crazy for wanting to buy old doors)  Aack!  Aack!  I'm still choking with disgust about it. ( Just imagine me making little choking sounds).  I just adore this corner shelf.  Not to be repetitive but isn't it adorable?IMG_3146


Shelf Project

I love these big shelves.  Someday I will either make one or find a good deal and buy one.
I hand-make these shelves when ordered. They are made of 3/4" pine and backed with bead board. After painting, the shelf is sanded and then stained to give it a distressed look. Dimensions: 48" wide, 19 1/4" tall, 9 1/4" deep. Drawers are decorative only, they are not actual drawers.

I offer free delivery to residents of West Jordan, South Jordan, Riverton, Herriman, and Bluffdale. All others can pick up there order at my home in South Jordan.

For more information or to place an order, please visit my web site at:


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

San Diego

The Man Song

This song really isn't very funny until you get married.  I love it :).

Cute Plate Project

When I was tagging along on Jakes business trip in San Diego this summer, I found the cutest plates while I was shopping with Jen in Del Mar.  I really really like these plates.  You know how sometimes you find things and you know it is yours.  These plates are like that, they are totally me.  I am totally in love with them.  But knowing that I am a cheapo I did not want to fork out the money for them.  Besides being cheap, I also have this fantasy that it is always cheaper and oh so fun to make things instead of buying them.  I seem to always forget that I am not crafty.  These projects always seem to be more fun in my head than they actually turn out to be.



So after some research on the Internet this is what I discovered.

Make a plate: or call 1-800-248-9443

Bad news.  I found out it is more expensive than I thought it would be to make a plate.  It costs $17 for 5 pieces of special paper they process on the plate.  Then it is an additional $8 to process each plate.  On top of that, you still have to pay $3 to ship each plate.  Assuming you created 5 plates, it will cost roughly $15 per plate.  Besides forking out $15 per plate I would still have to locate cute pictures and let's be honest, I know my plate would never look as good.  Also, the company only sells white plates.  So to create a cute plate like those above I would have to use markers and try to color in the entire background.

So I decided to forgo the project and go an alternate route to get my plates.

I found the plates I wanted to make online for only $8 -plus $8 shipping! So for only $1 more and a whole lot less hassle I could get the original cute plate.  Wahoo!

Jane Jenni Melamine plates

248 W. Ponce de Leon Avenue, Decatur, GA 30030


These are the plates I want:


These plates remind me of mom.


Some other sites with Jane Jenni plates:

Monday, August 31, 2009

Friday, August 21, 2009

Wasatch Woman 5K

Time 31:48

Placed 66 out of 287 in my age group

Placed 149 out of 739 out of every age group

First place in my age group: 23:33

Friday, July 24, 2009

I'm Rich!

Sold on KSL

Canon Printer / Scanner / Fax / Copier $45

DVD / CD Burner $20

Living Scriptures $150

Tile Saw $35

Swamp Cooler $95

Paint Sprayer $88

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Moving to the Country

...gonna eat a lot of peaches.  Peaches come from a can they were put there by a man in a factory down town.  If I had my little way I'd eat peaches every day.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Motorbike Ride w/ John

Jake went on a motorbike ride with John this morning around the Utah Lake.  It took about 4 hours to ride the 100 miles.


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Best Book Ever!



Jake and I love Heroes.  We just watched all of season 3 in four days on Hulu!  We love waiting to the end of the season to watch our shows so we don't have to suffer through commercials.  Plus, watching a season in three days, honestly makes it more enjoyable.  I don't lose track of what is going on and I really care what is happening.  So now we are going through withdrawals.

I hate Peters new powers.  What's up with that!  And there is no way that Sylar is really dead he'll be back in season 4 for sure.  And how is it that Claire the teenage cheerleader was the one to finally bring him down.  We thought it was hilarious that Hiro would call Daffney his nemesis.  heroes_320_sylar_001heroes_videogallery


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pickled Pigs Feet

I can now add pickled pigs feet to the unusual foods I have tried.  Compared to hagis pickled pigs feet are disgusting, I actually like hagis.  The worst thing about ppf is a rubbery slimy texture.  Yuck!  This all came about because Jacob and I were chosen by an FHE group to select two unusual food items for them to compete in FHE Iron Chef.  (Iron Chef is a reality TV show where real chefs are given random unusual ingredients and they have a time limit to come up with something good to eat.)  We thought it would be fun to see what they could come up with given ppf and sprouts.   What a challenge, huh.   However, we both failed to remember that we were also chosen to be the judges of the finished product.  So we were the lucky ones who got to try each delectable dish with 20 people viewing our reaction.  Serves us right, eh.


We were so amazed with the results.  All the groups actually did a great job coming up with something to make.  We tried sprout bread.  The author of this recipe actually memorized her banana bread recipe beforehand as they were not allowed to use any recipes or lifelines to others.  Then we had pickled pigs feet pot pie.  Very creative, don't you think.  This group also made ppf puffs.  There was also a ppf salad.


Rules of the game:  For FHE Iron Chef a third party will pick the same 2 food items for the two groups to use to prepare at least two dishes by the end of the evening...this may be a main dish, side dish, salad, or dessert.  The food item should be as close to it's raw form as possible (i.e. squash, meat, nuts, etc.).

Night of: The third party will have the food item to the meeting place of the groups by 7 pm on the night of the competition.  The finished food must then be taken to the third party's home (the Andersen's)  to be judged and must be there no later than 8:45.  There can be no cook book, or online cooking recipe, or Blackberry or IPhone, or any such device consulted once the activity has begun.  No lifelines to mothers or friend experts can be used either.  There can be no shopping done once the food item has been delivered from the opposing team.  The food you are allowed to use to make your dish is anything in the kitchens of your FHE group members.  So stock your fridges and let the games begin!

Judging: Judging will be done in the following categories:

  • Palatability

  • Creativity

  • Presentation



Friday, June 26, 2009

Making Bread w/ Debbie

Debbie is little Miss Domestic and she was kind enough to give me a bread making lesson.  She shared a recipe that her mom invented.  It is so yummy and so healthy.  There is NO white flour in it, 1/3 cup of honey instead of sugar, and it even has sunflower seeds.  I discovered that I love sunflower seeds in my bread.  For being so small they add such a nice flavor and a nice crunch.  So now I am well on my way to my own domestic title.  All in the same week,  I have canned 18 pints of cherries and made 4 loaves of bread.  Wow!  Look at me go! :)


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Canning Cherries

Before you can 'CAN' cherries you need to pick them!  How fun is that.  I am always talking to Jake about finding wild berries and picking them.  Doesn't that seem so Anne of Green Gables.   Alas, these cherries weren't wild, but they were FREE and we still had loads of fun.  The Bishop offered us some of the surplus from his cherry tree.  Once again we are reaping the benefits of Mani's hard work.img_0999Next came the canning part.  I must admit I was a bit nervous to can all by myself.  I looked online forever and found this great youtube video on canning.  The Bishop also lent me a cherry pitter.  (See below)  So much fun!  Cherries may be my favorite thing to can.  It is so easy and fast.  Just wash, pit, and can.  No blanching, no removing skin, and no slicing.   Piece of cake, man.  And so yummy!img_1035

However, the bad thing about cherries, I have learned, is that they stain counters (at least mine) really bad.  I tried everything to get the pinkish purple stains to go away.  I tried the normal cleaners like Fantastic and then Baking Powder paste.  But they didn't make a bit of difference.  Great, now that we are about to sell our house, I go and ruin our counters. :( Finally, online I discovered a story about George Washington making a cherry pie and being embarrassed about having dyed fingers afterward and how he used lemon juice to remove the stain.  I figured I would give it a shot.  This remedy worked the best so far, but I still had some faint stains.  What really got rid of everything easily was...da ta da da ta da...Mr. Clean white erasers.  These things are a miracle worker.  And it came off so easy with it.  I didn't even have to scrub.  Just a quick wipe with the miracle eraser and it was all gone.  I am so sold on this product I could do a commercial for them.

My dirty cherry stained countersimg_1037

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day / Fishing

Candid pictures are the best: Jake has his face stuffed and my mom looks Chinese. :) img_0966

The man of the hour, my father.  Doing what he does best, or at least what he is dang good at.  I caught one fish, Jacob caught two, and dad caught 20!


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Home Improvements

This is what our front flower area used to look like.


Jake and I took a Saturday morning and ....


Voila!  It looks so much better.  I can't believe the difference.  We got the bark chips at the city recycle area for $15!
