Sunday, July 6, 2008


I love my kitty! She is so fun and I just love her. I forgot how much I used to enjoy animals until I got my kitten.

  • I love to hear her pounding feet down the hallway or down the stairs. She actually makes quite a bit of noise when she is charging about, especially for her size.
  • I got her fixed recently. She was so doped up her eyes were all glazed over and she couldn't walk straight. She looked so pathetic, I am glad I was there to cuddle and comfort her.
  • She loves to get into small places. Jake accidently shut her in a drawer she was exploring. I heard her mewoing and let her out.
  • She is so curious. Since getting my kitten, I have new meaning for the phrase, "Curiosity killed the cat."
  • She will follow me around the house just watching what I am doing.
  • She kept climbing up on the counter, when I was arranging some flowers on the kitchen counter. Climbing on the counter is not allowed and so to teach her we use a water bottle that we will squirt at her. On this particular day, I had to shoot her about 3 times before she would get down. And even then she would spend some time cleaning herself and then she would jump back up on the counter. This happened about 3 times. And then I finally realized she just wanted to see what I was doing with the flowers. I pulled a kitchen stool away from the counter so she couldn't jump on the counter, but she could still see what I was doing and then I placed her on the stool. She contentedly sat on the stool intently watching everything I did.
  • She wakes me up every morning at about 7 am. She will jump on the bed and meow until I pet her. Then she will want to get under the covers for a little bit and then she will meow to get out of the covers.
  • She does not like toddlers. She hissed at Cloie and Jace.
  • She does not like riding in the car. I was concerned about leaving her home alone, so Jake and I took her with us to Arbon for the 4th of July weekend. She meowed and looked so scared for the first 45 minutes of the journey. I was thinking that I made a horrible mistake in taking her, but then she calmed down.
  • During the visit she hardly purred and hid under the bed a lot. I am sad the Andersen's don't know what an adorable kitty she is.
  • She does not seem to like other people. I think she is just used to a quiet house with only me and Jake for company. When the ward comes over for FHE she will not let anyone else hold her.
  • She likes watching visitors from a distance.
  • She will run ahead of me and then hide and pounce on my feet and legs when I catch up to her. She does this very gently and does not use her claws or bite too hard.
  • She tries to hide all the time in obvious places. She will tuck herself as close as she can to the stairs and thinks I can't see her.
  • She loves gently grabing my feet when I am on the stairs.
  • She is always curious and trying to catch the crack where doors meet the carpet
  • I hope she keeps this adorable personality when she grows up to become a CAT.
  • She has very short hair and does not shed. I feel like I lucked out in this.
  • She has never had an accident. Kittens are easy to litter train because they have a natural instinct to bury their business.
  • She has never been outside since we got her. She will only be an indoor pet.
  • She hates the nail clippers. She will bat them away with her paws. She struggles and will not hold still when I try to trim her nails.
  • She will gently grab my face with her two front paws and give me kisses. I love it.
  • I love her scratchy tongue. Kitten kisses are not slurpy or wet like dogs.

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